Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Larry Schweiger, President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation

Larry Schweiger centered his talk around his recent book - "Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth." As the CEO and President of the National Wildlife Federation, Mr. Schweiger has dedicated his career to the preservation of our plant.

After highlighting the dramatic impact global warming will have on our plant, Mr. Schweiger addressed the need for a paradigm shift in the energy industry to combat the consequences of global warming. He addressed the need for increased spending to address the problem and stated: "We can either spend 1% of the global GDP on mitigating global warming or face a 5-20% decrease in GDP as a result of its effects."

A few of Mr. Schweiger's suggestions:

  • a realistic price for carbon emissions

  • an end to imported oil

  • off-shore wind production

  • more efficient cars

  • increased innovation

  • CO2 sequestration technologies

  • development of 2nd generation feedstocks for ethanol

  • smart electricity grids

Mr. Schweiger noted that other countries, specifically China, are surpassing America in their development and adoption of clean-technologies. He urged our country to match their pace.

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